Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Escape Or Die Frying

A breakout this morning -- about 20 chickens (mostly New Hampshire Reds) flew the coop. We caught them all, but it was still a little alarming. I should have some words with them. Maybe a little guilt? "I feed you. I give you fresh water and whole corn. I build a new barn for you and double your yard space. And this is how you repay me?"

Or maybe I'll just show up with a bucket of the Colonel's best and hope they get the hint.

Very cool site of the day, striking a blow against Visigoths who would put astrology books in the science section of local bookstores.

I'm also fond of Gnomes Without Homes.

Finally, who among us are damn happy that our kids are past colic? If I still had a baby in the house, it's looking like I'd be back to using my late mother's, um, shall we say, "off-brand" method of sleeping aids for very young infants (Step 1: Dip finger in vodka and tonic. Step 2: Dip finger in screaming baby's mouth. Step 3: Repeat as necessary. I'm thinking this might explain a lot about me).

Anyway, if you're a parent, and you never gave your kids an extra teaspoon of Dimetapp, raise your hand.


F.D.A. Limits Children’s Cold and Cough Medicines

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 — In the first major reassessment of the safety of children’s cough and cold medicine in decades, federal drug officials said that the drugs should never be given to children under the age of 2 unless approved by a doctor.

Additional warnings about the drugs could be in the offing, because the Food and Drug Administration announced today that it would convene a meeting of independent experts on Oct. 18. They will to advise the agency about whether new label warnings or prohibitions should be undertaken. The committee will also discuss how well parents and caregivers administer the drugs to children.

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