Thursday, August 23
BRATTLEBORO -- Tuesday night's vote by the Selectboard to reject an anti-nudity ordinance hasn't ended the debate over whether people sans clothes can stroll the streets of Brattleboro.

In fact, it has intensified it to the point that some people are talking about a warrant article on the issue that town meeting representatives can vote on.

"If the Selectboard won't do anything about it, I would like to see it raised as a warrant article," said Michael Gauthier, who presented a petition, with close to 1,000 signatures in support of the ban, to the Selectboard Tuesday night.

"They have the right to do that," said Selectboard member Dora Bouboulis, who said she has been "pretty clear" in her opposition to the ordinance. "I'm sure that this isn't over."

Most of the signatures, 551, were from Brattleboro residents, with 256 from Windham County residents who do not live in Brattleboro. Nearly 150 signatures were collected from out-of-state visitors as well.