Monday, October 1, 2007


Tough day. Was working late last night (per the usual) and went downstairs for a slice of bread. Wound up with a slice of finger and blood-soaked bread instead. Chickens loved it; me, not so much. Especially when I got to change a flat tire this morning. Didn't help much when one of the baby peeps pecked it. Bleeding seems to have finally stopped tonight.

Today's sign of the apocalypse:

Family's Ninth Baby Born in SUV
Posted: 10:42 PM Sep 26, 2007Last Updated: 9:44 AM Sep 27, 2007Reporter: Laurabree AustinEmail Address:
VIDEO: Baby Born in SUV
If it's cheaper by the dozen, then nine still has to count for something.

A family in Kanawha County is enjoying the arrival of their ninth baby, but you won't believe how she was born.

This baby came into the world at speeds reaching 60 miles per hour. That’s the speed the family's car was going, not the baby and even though, the pedal was to the metal, it wasn't fast enough.

Their healthy baby girl came into the world while the family of ten was driving to the hospital.

These kids recently had quite the adventure in the families brand new SUV, but it didn't start that way.

When mom Sherry told her husband it was time to go to the hospital to have their ninth baby, everyone was pretty calm.

“I told her I had to get some coffee first,” father of nine, David Harrah, said.

Turns out you can be too relaxed, because soon after this entire clan loaded into their car, their little baby girl was ready to make her grand entrance.

“He’s like ’hold it, hold it.’ I’m like ‘I can't!’ He said hold your legs together and I’m screaming I got to push. I can't hold it,” Sherry said.

“All of a sudden when her water breaks, big gush of water, I thought ‘oh man there goes that car,” David said.

“Next thing I know she falls on the floor and I’m screaming where's my baby,” Sherry said, “I reach down, I’m trying to find her, so my husband pulls of to the side of the road on Corridor G and my 8 year old gets out of the car and he's running up and down screaming I’m scared.

Apparently you had to see it to believe it, because when the family finally made it to the hospital, not everyone was buying the story behind the birth.

“A lot of people have been joking to me about her. Joking she'll just spit it out; I said it's not quite like that, and literally it was exactly like that,” Sherry’s twin sister, Terry Westfall, said.

“My mom had a baby in the car. Everyone was like what, yeah, it's pretty cool cause we called it Carlee—Car-- Carlee, get it,” Carlee’s big sister Judy Harrah, 18, said.

We asked sherry if she'll have any more and she joked when they start coming out in the car, it might be time to quit, but you never know.

Sherry not only has baby experience because of her nine children, but she's also labor delivery nurse at Cabell Huntington Hospital.

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