Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve 2007

Peace on earth. Goodwill toward men. Etc.

Except at our local market, which was mayhem late this afternoon. And it was just my own damn fault. Truly. I'd gotten everything we needed for Christmas dinner, except cheese and broccoli (the cheese being the really important thing).

Drove to the market -- you'd think there'd been a simultaneous evacuation of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, judging from the parking lot. And it was asshats on parade, with some lady from God knows where (not here) screeching into her cell phone because there was too much ice on her driveway.

Perhaps she was expecting sand dunes?

Anyway, I grabbed my cheese and broccoli, and then Gordon, the owner, saw me.

"More eggs?" he asked, pleadingly.

Yikes. I'd brought eight dozen down on Friday. I looked at the egg cooler, and they were ...

"Gone," he said.

Holy crap. Green Mountain Eggs and Ham is doing well. Went home and cleaned a couple of dozen eggs. I had four dozen and change, but I had five turkey eggs, which rounded things out to five dozen. So everyone gets a turkey egg. At least, everyone who buys the next five dozen eggs. And Gordon (who's open tomorrow) hopefully has enough eggs to last another day.

All I'm thinking is, the small Arucana flock had better start laying, ASAP.

It'll be a low-key Christmas this year. I'm a little preoccupied and damn near overwhelmed by the shoulder mess. It's been a busy -- and so far, not terribly productive -- time for the day job and book-writing. Financially, we're in the same boat as a lot of people, just hoping for no big waves. So we didn't go overboard this year on the kids, certainly not on ourselves or anyone else. I have a feeling a lot of people went the same route, which is maybe not such a bad thing.

I'll hope for a bit of peace and quiet tomorrow. It may be asking too much, but I'll hope, anyway.

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