Saturday, December 29, 2007


Rained a good chunk of today, then warmed up. Snow melting into sloshy stuff all over the place. Not terribly cold, though. Went for a moderate walk this afternoon, probably for another one tonight.

Spent most of today talking with Lisa about plans for 2008. Four pigs or six pigs? What kind of seeds? Hard or soft cheeses? To tap maple or not to tap? More chickens, just for meat? Thinking about going to the NOFA-Massachusetts winter conference mid-month. Frustrating part will be getting bunches of really good knowledge -- beekeeping, preserving, sugaring -- and probably not being able to do anything about it for six months. Sigh.

Also am thinking about how I'll want to spend my rehab. It's looking as though it'll be a month (and maybe two) before I can even think about training, looking at a computer, writing, cooking, or working on the land; in other words, any of the things I do with my time. I suppose I'm very capable of sitting on my ass, getting fat and watching endless loops of "Law & Order." About the only series that I haven't seen that I'm interested in seeing would be "The Wire." I'll hope for a good Amazon or Craigslist deal.

All in all, I suspect my best bet will be to whip out the library card and pick up a ton of books next month, maybe a trainer stand for the bike. That'll help, but there's got to be something I can do to keep from going completely batshit. Maybe some sort of volunteer work that only involves one arm?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Me and a bunch of guys from Iraq. I got no problems, I know. Wah. Poor me. And bright spot! The collies and I are back on speaking terms. Actually, I'm on speaking terms with Pepper. She seems very pleased. Stink is still ... a Stink. With a capital 'S.' He isn't sorry in the slightest for having eaten the better chunk of a Christmas ham.

On the frugal front, here's an interesting concept -- energy resolutions for the new year.

Off to do some writing.

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