Sunday, December 16, 2007

Digging Out

Spent Saturday running amok before the storm started -- loaded up on feed at the Agway, groceries at the store, grains at the co-op. Not a whole hell of a lot worth mentioning going on Saturday.

Woke up Sunday to a foot of snow. Sigh. I'd spent a fair chunk of Friday lunch and early evening shoveling our driveway, but that was just three or four inches. This was a little more involved, so Lisa, Will and I broke out the shovels. I should explain about our driveway: It's 650 feet long. So in a little more than three hours, we cleared a 650-foot long by six-foot wide by one-foot deep.

For those of you keeping score, that's 3,900 square feet of snow. Which is about 145 cubic yards. Six dump trucks.

Sigh. My shoulder is speaking to me today; mostly, asking, "Why?" Not as bad as it could be, though. I was pretty careful not to twist it -- I just used my right arm for lifting and pushing. Which reminds me. Orthopaedist on Wednesday. Wah. Poor me.

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