Thursday, July 5, 2007

Nada Much

Lazy days.

I'm sleeping late. Not doing a huge amount of training. Which I feel OK about. I'll do the triathlon this weekend on rested legs (and everything else). Took the bike in to get tuned today, picked up a few small things for Lisa's birthday. Got some wood to fix the chicken coop door. Grabbed a few groceries. Pecked away at day job stuff.

Likely, I'll take next week slow, too. Then off for The Hike. My hunch is that a 273-mile hike will be a pretty decent workout.

Then back in time for another triathlon, either a half-marathon or century ride (still can't decide), some serious swim/bike/run time in late August and September before the Mount Desert Marathon.

A bit on the muggy side here today, but not too bad. Rained like hell last night. It's supposed to be nice and sunny (highs in the low 80s!) on Sunday, so I may just find a flat rock by a lake and lie out like a lizard.

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