Monday, November 5, 2007


I had to take a second from the day job because ... well, because I've been going more or less nonstop since 645a (with a couple of postings here and a slice of crusty old bread there, nibbled in between beatings) ... and to see if anyone else who's ever run 26.2 just winced when they saw the Katie Holmes marathon photos.

This, of course, is speaking as one who sang the "I Am Stuck On Band-Aid" jingle from about mile 22 to 26.2 of my last one ... when I realized that the chest-area Band-Aids keeping me from being even more uncomfortable were becoming a little loose.

Cringe away:


Either she didn't actually run the entire race (I can't imagine), or she's some sort of superhuman mutant. But if you were a superhuman mutant, wouldn't you shoot for something better than a 5+ marathon? I'm just saying, there's a contradiction here.

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