Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Me Tube

Worked all day, actually got quite a bit done.

Took off around 3p to go to the hospital for X-rays and MRI. The X-rays were a pain. Had to do contortions all over the table so they could get a good shot of my shoulder. Hurt like hell. Then, into the tube, which is about the size of your average Manhattan studio apartment. Finally got comfortable about 30 minutes into it, then fell asleep for the last 10 minutes. They'll have results next week. Part of me hopes it's arthritis and can be rehabbed. I'd be amazed, though.

Other depressing news: Ali Samsam Bakhtiari died recently. He was one of the few folks from the Middle East who -- I think -- got the idea that we'll eventually run out of oil. He took pains to disassociate himself from the "peak oil" community, but the message was pretty clear. Here's a link to testimony before the Australian Senate:


Cold tonight, with snow showers.

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