Wednesday, January 2, 2008

200, 100, -15

In no particular order:

It's my 200th post.

Oil hit $100 per barrel today.

And it's supposed to get down to 15 below zero tonight.

I geek myself out sometimes, I really do.

Quiet day. Took the kids to school, ran home and showered. Ran into Brattleboro to drop off cans at the recycling center, picked up rabbit and chicken feed. Stopped by the post office to get egg cartons. Listened to NHPR most of the way (VPR signal is kinda faint in the mountains). It occurs to me that next week's primary is like living next to a halfway house that's closing. You just hope the parolees won't decide to wander over and see if they can stay with you for a few years.

All that, and at my desk working by 10a.

Strange experience last night. Went out for my late afternoon walk around 415p. Got about a mile down the road and noticed ... no color whatsoever. It was getting dark, so the only colors were white, gray and black. Very strange in a monochromatic sort of way.

Kids home at the usual time. John poking around, asking about animistic religions. Will arguing that he doesn't need new shoes (he's got duct tape holding together his current ones; it's a bit embarassing). We decided we'd go into Keene Friday night and spend some of their Christmas money, browse at the bookstore and eat pizza.

Again, very quiet day. Quiet is good. We like quiet.

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