Thursday, January 17, 2008

Is It Going To Be Cold? Oh, Yeah. Will I Care? Hell, No.

Got the gas and wood just in the nick of time. Supposed to get cold early next week; current forecast is -25 wind chill early Monday morning. It probably won't be quite that cold; the weather folks always tend to predict the worst until the last minute.
But, hey, like I'll care? I won't be awake for a good chunk of the holiday, and I'll be drugged to the gills for the rest. I'm thinking I'm not going to worry so much about it. At least the gas and wood are stocked up. And Lisa made me another pair of handspun, handknitted, very warm bootsocks. I'm set.
Worked like a Roman orchard slave today on the day job. It's possible that there's a hidden benefit to the shoulder surgery -- I won't have to deal with a substantial amount of crap that's been driving me nuts, at least not for a few weeks, anyway. Maybe I can use the time off for professional detox.
Going to try to make it to the Massachusetts NOFA (Northeast Organic Farmers Association) winter conference on Saturday. Not sure if it'll happen or not -- Will needs to be in Brattleboro for a school fund-raiser at a pretty inconvenient time. Anyway, hoping to make it. Ordered 25 more Aruacana chicks that'll be here in mid-February. As soon as they're out of the brooder in early April, I'll order the meat broilers.
Taking eggs to market tomorrow morning and going to set up physical therapy appointments. Also will try to stop by the local library and pick up a card, as well as a few books. I'm buying too many books; time to borrow some, for a change. I'll need quite a few to keep from going crazy over the next few weeks. Loaded up the iPod tonight, too -- got about 25 podcasts to vegetate over.

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