Sunday, May 6, 2007

Back in Town

Got back into town around 1 am. Yawn. Needless to say, didn't quite make it up in time for the 10-K or anything else. Slept most of today.

New York wasn't awful. Didn't sleep well, and about the best exercise I got was a 10-K around Central Park with a 7:45/mile average. None too shabby. Then again, it was getting dark, and I was on the north end of the park, and didn't want to look like the weak gazelle in the bunch.

Got to spend some time with some interesting folks uptown at Columbia. Henry Louis Gates Jr. is a riot, and Gene Roberts is still a legend.

Family possibly glad to see me return. The hot water heater (a Rinnai tankless) went down again and needs a new part. The chickens exploded like quail when I opened the brooder to feed and water them last night. And the dogs have been following me around. Only the cat is pissed. But I think that's normal.

The gym will be open tomorrow, so I may do a sprint tri. I'll do some repair work on the computer (my laptop motherboard blew while I was in New York) and work on some other things. Hoping to finish the chicken coop and start the garden beds by late this week.

And get back on my diet. Oh, yeah. Had a few hamburgers in New York. If you ever want to beat yourself up dietarily (is that even a word?), go here:

The menu is about the size of a mail-order catalog. It's all good and all grease, as they say. So I'll be beating myself up over that for a while.

It is good to be home. We went to the grocery this afternoon and were loading up on food. Some woman started helping us, explaining that she likes to bag groceries and that's what she does at the co-op, which is where we were heading next. So we got into a brief discussion of spelt flour, seven-grain flour and grinding wheat for your own bread.

Happens to y'all in New York all the time, right?

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