Thursday, May 17, 2007

Trudging Along

Woke up early enough this morning to feel a little better, and in the ongoing attempt to break out of the 3-mile rut, went for a 10-K. Didn't go too badly, but my legs were just dead for some mysterious reason. I'm guessing I just didn't get enough carbs yesterday.

Came home, showered, and took John to the eye doctor's to see if we could get a pair of contacts in his eyes. Couldn't do it -- he just really has trouble. Kind of a shame, because I think he'd consent to a haircut if he didn't have glasses. Anyway. Sigh. Got a pair of glasses ordered for myself. Tired of going to bed/waking up and not being able to see anything.

Dropped John off at school, went by Staples to pick up supplies for Lisa's big fiber show, and am sitting at a Chinese restaurant with wireless, downloading huge bunches of data for a project that would bust my fair access policy beyond all reason.

Chinese restaurants with wireless. Wonders never cease.

More later.


There's a bit more, but not much. Finished my downloads and zipped by the gym on the way home. Swam 0.75 miles in about 40 minutes. Wasn't pretty, but it was fairly efficient, at least for my pool. They're closing the pool again from Sunday through Friday, so I'll be suffering for pool time next week.

Other things:

*** Lauren Terrazanno, whose column I included in the blog about a month ago (she said she had two to three months left to live), died Tuesday. She was 39.

*** There's a potentially cool job opening in Beijing for a year. Maybe it was the shrimp kung pao I had at lunch today that got me thinking about it.

*** Our company's remote access program blows dead goats. It's been driving me nuts for, oh, about 10 years. But the last hour has been really maddening.

*** There's an absolutely vicious hit piece on Murray Waas in the Washington City Paper. Alas, it sounds like he's an investigative reporter. Who maybe believes his own hype.

*** It's rainy and kind of blah here. Hoping it'll clear up by the weekend so I can finish the chicken coop.

Back to making small rocks out of big ones ...

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