Friday, May 18, 2007


Talked myself into running this morning -- did 4.2 miles at a slow pace. Legs were just dead, dead, dead. Compounded the error by going to the gym and biking 13.3. Would've helped if it had been nice and warm, but not so much this morning. It was a little below 40, and we're supposed to have a nor'easter blow in tonight. So it'll rain all weekend.

Truly, I didn't feel like I got crap done after that, although it wasn't as bad as it felt. I filed some paperwork and shuffled around some files. Our local internet cafe is open for a few days, so I headed down and did some major downloading, which kept me at work far longer than I'd expected.

With the storm coming in this weekend, I don't have any great plans. I'll probably bike and run tomorrow, and then swim and run long on Sunday. I'll have to get some serious swimming done, since the pool will be closed (again!) until Friday. Argh. If the weather clears up Sunday, I'll want to finish the chicken coop, too. The peeps are getting tired of the brooder.

Need to get a book in the mail to Dad, too. He and my older brother headed down to Austin today for the little brother's graduation (Yeah, I feel guilty about missing it). He's going to have some type of surgery, probably next week, then take the entire month of June off. I think it'll be good for him.

Speaking of things that are good, I've just got to get back on the diet train. I've been eating some junk the past few days, which may have something (or everything) to do with my dragging ass.

Tragic story in Salon today on autism.

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