Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Slow Day

So after yesterday's swim/bike, I was pretty tired. Got to bed around 9p and didn't move until 11a. Which kind of guilted me out a bit since I should've gotten up and gone for a swim before they drained the pool.

It was still raining, so I waited for a break. When it stopped for a few minutes, we got out and tied some of the coop together. It basically guaranteed that the rain would start again. Finished about two sections before it started raining again.

Waited a couple of hours and finally decided to get off my ass. Got a couple of miles up the road and decided to keep going. Got four miles up the road and figured I'd do another. Pulled up at five miles before I could overdo things. Rained a bit on the way back, but nothing too heavy.

Came home, threw a quick dinner together for the boys, did some laundry and changed light bulbs in John's room. Wrapped up just in time to catch "The Sopranos." Seems to be going out with quite the bang.


*** It's not a plague of locusts exactly, but Brood XII of cicadas does sound like an Outer Space invasion. Or a plague of locusts.

*** I want to be William Langewiesche when I grow up. Without the hard-to-spell name, though. But I'll take the new book, The Atomic Bazaar. I bet it's good.

*** I really don't like this idea of cutting the classics. Yeah, Atlas Shrugged went a bit long with the John Galt monologue. But isn't that part of the charm?

*** Very good book review by Bill McKibben in Christianity Today on Steve Laurence's book, Good Bread Is Back.

Gonna try running in the morning, maybe a bit of light biking. Other goal for the week: I need to do some cooking. Macaroni with salmon, multigrain bread, ziti and broiled salmon.

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