Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mad Dogs and Englishmen

Glad I got my run done early. It's supposed to hit 81 degrees today. Maybe not so unusual for everyone else in the middle of May, but damn strange here. Another seasonal milestone -- ran in shorts and sleeveless today! Did a 10K to tune up for a race on Saturday, then biked 13.25 miles on the stationary.

In other news ...

*** Stepdaughter is being discharged from the Air Force. Just lost it during basic training. She'll appeal and see if she can't re-enlist at some point, but it ain't good.

*** Dad's having another surgery in late May. Sigh. This one's going to be tough. He's just been through too much. Brothers and I are trying to figure out who can stay with him and when.

*** On the good news front, the gas people are coming today to fix the Rinnai tankless water heater. Sucks to have to heat water in a stockpot in the oven or on the stove. Trust me.

Fuck you, TNT. I know drama.

I'll finish the peep expansion project later this week,. They're getting a bit testy, popping out of the brooder like quail when I water them. I'm also calling around to track down topsoil for the garden. My tomato plants are looking good and big, and the onions are taking off. The thyme, not so much. I think it might be a bit hot in the window for it.

Speaking of gardening, I purchased a new gardening tool. At least, that's how I hope to use it. We go through an awful lot of paper -- probably about half our trash. So Lisa had the Very Bright Idea of getting a shredder and using the paper as rabbit and ferrett litter, and possibly compost.

I'm sure the FBI will believe that explanation.

The leaves are just exploding on the trees this week, and the apple trees are in full bloom. I keep waiting for my sinuses to realize this and close immediately, but no problem so far. It's odd -- growing up in Houston, I never realized that it was possible for humans to breathe through their nose for most of the year.

Daylillies and tulips are starting to pop up, too:

Too much to do today, not enough time to get it all done.

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