Thursday, June 14, 2007

Catching Up

So, not a bad day or two, all in all.

I got on the bike for about 15 miles yesterday, which helped. Then I took the kids to school this morning and ran four miles. Worked hard all day and took off a bit early, swam a mile and biked about 10 miles on a new route -- very nice.

Like the new Outback, although the "Check Engine" light has already come on once, which is ominous. Think I probably need to have that checked out quickly. And as much as I like the Geico cavemen, I don't like them to the tune of an extra $200 per month. Let's just say the final quote was a little different from the first quote.

Will went to Six Flags for his last day of school; John's last day is tomorrow. They're both pretty excited. Probably about as much as I am about my garden, which is finally starting to sprout a bit. And upon close examination, it looks as though I've got at least four and maybe five little roosters. For 35 hens. I may have some fried chicken later this summer. Too many roosters for too few hens, I suspect.

Speaking of eating: I'm making good progress on my CSA greens this week. Been having a monster salad every night. Put some dried tortilla strips, a little bit of salad seed, and sour cream/Picante dressing. Had mesclun last night and butter lettuce tonight. Hoping to make some chard pie tomorrow.

Assuming the "Check Engine" light lets me.

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