Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I Am Disgruntled And Pissed

I should've known.

I should've known.

I should've known.

What can happen when I swim in a pool that apparently has just been vacated by a pack of ill-kempt little rug rats who don't put their kick boards back where they belong?

Swimmer's ear. And two weeks before a triathlon. Sigh. The left side of my head feels like it's about to explode. Biking would hurt, running would be excruciating, and I don't even want to think about getting in the water. Got a doctor's appointment in the morning, so I'm hoping he'll offer more than the isopropyl-and-vinegar cure.

I suppose I should be happy I didn't get lice from the filthy little vermin.

Took the 20-year-old down to the bus stop this morning. She's going ... well, she's going somewhere. At some point, I expect she'll check in with her dad in New Orleans and grandparents in Alabama.

Then I went into New Hampshire for the day job. Stopped by the CSA and picked up the week's haul:

Garlic scapes
Swiss chard
Summer squash
Snow peas

En route home, I stopped and got a water filter for the Long Trail hike with John, as well as some dehydrated dinners he might eat. I've tried explaining that Honey-Nut Cheerios can only take you so far in the wilderness. Not sure he's listening to me.

Made it home and felt like I was sliding downhill fast. It was hotter than hell today -- about 90 -- so I put the hammock up. Turns out the field mice had eaten through the strings. So now I need a new hammock. Grrrrrr. Sat out on the front porch and did some day job work, made a few phone calls. Watered the garden, although I now believe that my potatoes thrive upon the worst kind of neglect. Fed and watered chickens.

Also futzed around with my knitting. I am told I'm picking it up quickly, but (a) I don't believe it and (b) any and all credit is due to my wife, who's being fairly patient about my flailings with sharp, pointed sticks.

Which feel like they're currently impaled in my left ear.

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