Monday, June 18, 2007

Sitting Duck

No chicken eggs yet. One of the ducks, however, has decided to get all broody on me. She's sitting on three duck eggs, as well as a turkey egg. We'll see what happens; it usually takes about 30 days for fertilized eggs to hatch. I'm fairly sure the duck eggs are fertile, not so sure about the turkey.

One of Lisa's Angora bunnies may be in a family way, as well. Good news is, she went to a local business that would buy Angora, at a pretty decent price.

And speaking of animals, I tested out a Canon PowerShot A630 today:

A lot of knives to juggle tomorrow. Must pick up CSA box for the week. Mail some letters and bills. Do a little cooking. Hose off the chicken brooder. But the main existential dilemma continues:

Run, bike? Bike, swim? Run, swim?

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