Saturday, June 16, 2007

I Don't Get It

So ... I fail to understand. Why would you move to a really pretty part of the world and build a monster house -- right next to a couple of others, and right on top of a busy road?

I don't get it.

Woke up early this morning and took Lisa to her dye class. Ran back by the gym and swam a half mile, then went by the post office and mailed a letter to Dad. Stopped to chat with the local mechanic about the Outback (the "Check Engine" light isn't anything to worry about, he agreed). Scooted home just in time to feed and water the chickens and move Lisa's fleece out of the rain. Did a quick 5K, then scouted around for a decent trout stream. If my fly fishing doesn't work so well, I expect I can blame it on a bad stream.

Stopped by a local smokehouse and picked up a pound of Canadian bacon and a pound of peppered bacon. I suspect I'll have to run 10 before I even think about eating it.

Picked Lisa up from her class, then went by the Vermont Country Store. I'd ordered things online, but hadn't ever been to the actual store. It was a bit touristy, but had some fun stuff. Tinker Toys? Check. Seven Seas Green Goddess dressing? Check. Clark Bars? Check. All kinds of fun stuff.

Stopped for Mexican food on the way home and took it easy the rest of the night.

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