Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Waiting on Spring

We are fairly happy this morning.

I made it to the bus stop with 30 seconds to spare. I ran 4 miles. I biked 13.2 miles. I swam 0.5 miles. And -- drum roll, please -- I lifted some JavaScript from the Buckeye Outdoors web site that lets me track my calories.

It's very cool, if somewhat ominous. I would have guessed my morning meal would've been maybe 600-700 calories. Um, not so much. Try about 1,340, fat man.

But this is good. I'm not fooling myself.

Did a little bit of day work, then went out this afternoon to shop for Will's birthday. Picked up laundry, got a few groceries, got my new contact lenses, picked up some gardening supplies, had my hair cut and dropped off aluminum cans at the recycling center (at $.05 per can and a large winter supply of empties, the deposits added up to an embarassing $49). Called school about John's schedule next year. He really wants to take a mythology class, so I'm hoping he can get into it.

I wish spring would get here. It hasn't been a brutal winter, not at all, and I'll miss the snow on the spruces, the really clear starry skies, the occasional aurora blinking far away, and the color of the sky right before a big nor'easter.

On the other hand, I really want to play in the garden and feel the sun. And raise chickens. And grow things. And start real, live bicycling, and swim in the reservoir. And sit outside and read/work in my hammock.

Maybe one more month.

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