Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Slept late. Took John and Will to school, then ran. Slowly. Went to gym, biked and swam. Slowly. Showered, ran home, then headed to town before the big storm hit. Of course, it's all relative. A month ago, this would've been just another eight- to 16-inch snow. But since it's April, it's snow mixed with sleet, freezing rain and rain.


Picked up the bike, computer supplies, contact lenses, crap for Robin's ferret, groceries and a grow light for the seed starter. Barely made it home since the Tracker has no snow tires, but made it just in time for the Great Pyr to nearly kill Robin's nearly blind German shepherd that she's left with us (along with the ferret and a mutt of dubious origin). Poor shepherd had one fang sticking out sideways by the time Cleo was done with her.


Remembered I'd promised Will that I'd move John's computer into his room (balancing the scales somewhat, Robin left her desktop computer behind for John to use). Went to town on Will's room. It was about a four-hour job for the floor cleaning and general maintenance.

A decent dinner. A little bit of work done. Forecast calls for another 10 inches of snow tonight, followed by a 40 percent chance of snow for the next week.


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