Sunday, April 8, 2007

A White Easter

Not too much done this weekend -- slept late, didn't do much. Finally got off my ass late Sunday afternoon and went to the gym. Biked 20 miles, swam a mile. Didn't run at all this weekend because (a) it was snowing like a banshee and (b) my iPod is on the fritz. Arrgh.

Strange weather. Can't remember an Easter snow before. It's usually stopped snowing by now (unless it's going to snow again in May). We're maybe due for a big snow later in the week, too. There's not much accumulating, but it does come down. Felt like I was in a snow globe this afternoon while swimming.

It was an improvement over the morning, though. The power went out around 5 am. I've got UPS (uninterruptible power supply) boxes set up to two computers. When the power goes off, they start to beep. So I was woken up by the beeping and went upstairs to turn off the UPC and promptly stepped in dog crap. Had to wipe my feet off before going back downstairs to turn off the other one.

On the bright side, it's hard for the day to get worse after that. And I'm sure there was an Easter metaphor in there somewhere, but I'm just too dense to figure it out.

Gotta work my butt off tomorrow. Lot of stuff to do, little time to do it.

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