Friday, April 27, 2007

I've Been Better

Slept until noon today. The Tylenol PM decongestant just kicks my butt. I wake up, and the room is spinning. Not much chance of a run, although I've still got hopes for Sunday.

Did a little bit of light work this afternoon, but not enough. It would've been a good day to just sit outside and vegetate, but it wasn't a good day to sit outside and vegetate. It's been about 45, drizzling and foggy all day long.

If you haven't tried it: Netvibes just kicks butt. Your entire Internet, on one page. I'm not kidding.

Talked to my brother and father this evening. Brother's been worried about dad. Called dad to see how he was doing, and he didn't sound that bad. Worries me that part of this might just be, oh, a tiny bit of denial on my part. Anyway, he had his dog with him and was at our ranch this weekend. Sounded fine. I called brother back, who's deeply suspicious. And probably deeply right.

Forecast is more of the same tomorrow -- head congestion in the morning, followed by rain and drizzle throughout the day. Ugh. Maybe I'll get some chicken coop construction done, or some long-deferred breadmaking, or some even longer-deferred cleaning.

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