Monday, April 16, 2007


So ... a decent Friday off, although Friday night turned into a fiasco. A decent Saturday off, although Saturday night wasn't much better. The day started out OK on Sunday -- ran 10.25 miles in a nor'easter, as pretty a run as I've had in a long time, but when I came back to check on things at the house before heading back to the gym, Lisa and I got into it over how much time I'm spending working out, and the entire weekend pretty much went to hell from there.

Here's a picture from the second floor:

My shoulder got very wet running in the snow and locked up on me -- rotator cuff issue -- and I didn't go to the gym Sunday, so I had to tough it out with ice packs. Didn't help, really.

Woke up late Monday (kids have spring break, and the shoulder didn't help), and the snow had turned to rain. Roads are washing out all over the place, power is flickering on and off, and the shoulder still hurts like merry hell. On the bright side, at least I'm not going to school at Virginia Tech, where more than 30 kids got killed today. Jeez.

I'm not a huge fan, but I did like Friedman's Sunday article:

Catching up on Doonesbury:

Wound up doing a little bit on Monday at the gym -- a one-mile swim (very painfully and very slowly) and a 13.2-mile bike ride. Diet kinda went to hell. I'll make it up this week. Or, the way my diet generally goes, this month.

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