Sunday, April 1, 2007

Not Enough Hours

Certainly not if I sleep late again.

Busy weekend. Took Saturday off to make a Whole Foods/Trader Joe's/EMS/Barnes & Noble run and didn't get back until pretty late. Did a little bit of cleaning, watched a little television, read a little.

Slept late again on Sunday. Got up, ran seven miles. Came home and ground about a dozen cups of wheat berries for whole wheat flour, but didn't have enough time to bake. Sigh. Still, a pretty decent upper-body workout. Went out for a quick bike ride at the gym. Grabbed pizzas for the kids, Chinese for the girls and shrimp kung pao for myself.

Sounds like a truly boring weekend. But I saw a few things that made it worthwhile:

*** First robins of spring
*** More Canadian geese in the fields
*** Snow melting faster than it's gathering

I don't know why I feel like this -- never really had bad cabin fever before. But I'm just counting the minutes until I can get out in shorts and run. Until I can get on a bicycle outside, instead of a gym machine. Until I can hike anywhere, work in the garden and collect chicken eggs.

I keep telling myself that it's important to enjoy winter. Who knows if it's ever going to be as good as it was the last year? But I'm still looking forward to this spring.

I'll go for a morning run, bake my bread and get a lot of work done tomorrow.

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