Sunday, April 29, 2007


In more ways than one.

The crud is slowly going away. I felt like crap this morning, so I slept until noon. Which meant I didn't get to the dump. And I really didn't feel like running. Or biking. Or doing much of anything else.

Went to Wal Mart with Lisa to get some clothes for her, and barely did that. Hard to figure out why that place suddenly sets my teeth on edge.

John wanted to do more algebra this afternoon. Who am I to complain? He's finished the first of six parts of his Algebra I class. Considering it's supposed to be done in eight weeks -- and no fewer -- he's doing pretty well, I'd say. We may have inadvertently hit upon something that'll help him out in school.

I've passed the crud baton to Will and feel badly about it. Almost as badly as he does, I suspect.

Did a little bit of puttering this afternoon. Cleaned about half of John's room before he announced he wanted to go to bed (around 8 pm). He's been getting to sleep early and waking up at some horrible hour lately. Again, I probably shouldn't complain.

The peeps are getting downright snotty. They're taking over the bathroom. I put down some cardboard in a couple of strategic spots, but I'm going to have to figure out something to do here quickly. I may need to step it up on the coop annex construction.

Watched an hour or so of television while folding laundry. Caught the last 30 minutes or so of United 93. Maybe it wouldn't have been such a jarring experience if I hadn't been in New York on Sept. 11, but I don't think so. Talk about draining.

Hopefully, not more of the same tomorrow. This not training business is starting to get on my very last nerve.

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