Tuesday, April 24, 2007


I hate being sick. I've been sick too long now. I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and not be sick. So there.

Even with being sick, I got a bit done today. I woke up early, about 545a, and took the boys to school. Will took off for his field trip to New York. Pretty exciting stuff for a bunch of country kids.

"You know the difference between New York City and here, right?" I asked him in the car.

"It's harder being gangsta here," John said.

(Correct answer: Someone might give a rat's ass if you've got a problem here. But I had to give Big Brother points for creativity.)

Meant to do some work when I got home, but I was feeling so crappy that I just had to go lie down, and we all know what that means. I woke up around 1115a and had to scramble to get back to school to pick up John for his eye doctor's appointment.

Got his eyes checked. He wants contact lenses, but had real problems getting them into his eyes. We'll try again in a couple of weeks; I think he just needs the practice. Anyway, we had a good ride back home. Stopped and got Kentucky Fried Chicken, mostly so we could take photos of the boxes next to the peeps.

"You're a good dad," he said.

Made my day. Even better than a good run.

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