Monday, April 2, 2007


A long, strange day.

I was exhausted when I woke up. It's a Monday, and I usually don't run on Mondays, but had almost talked myself into it last night. Anyway, glad I didn't. Took the boys to the bus, did a couple of hours of work. Lisa took Robin to her recruiter's office. From there, she caught a bus to the Military Entrance Processing Station, and will be en route to San Antonio tomorrow morning to begin basic training.


Beat my head against a day job wall for a couple of hours, making not a lot of progress, ate too much out of frustration. Couldn't even make whole wheat with my freshly ground wheat (no molasses). Ack.

The weather here is, to put it mildly, crappy. Internet connection was down most of the day because of the fog and mist, which should change to icy rain tomorrow night, followed by snow for the rest of the week.

I punted around 5 pm and headed to the gym. Did a 13.2-mile bike ride and 0.5 mile swim. Eh. Should've done more, but people were started to wander into the pool, and I had to go to the market to get molasses before it closed.

Was still feeling vaguely grumpy and resentful when I walked out of the market with my molasses. Stopped for a minute and figured out the only sound I could hear was birds fussing. It made me feel better for a minute. Then a tourist in an SUV drove past, splashing mud and spewing fumes. Pissed me off all over again.

I'll have a better day tomorrow.

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